Service Projects

Our club is involved in a variety of projects that involve fundraising, community service, and assisting children locally and worldwide.  Below are some of the projects in which we are currently involved:

Bell Ringing for Salvation Army – Mike Cassidy, Chair

Each year at Christmas time, our members help the Salvation Army ring bells by the red kettles to collect money for local folks in need.  This year, 2023, we rang the bells at Fred Meyers on December 2nd and raised $1,098.71 for Salvation Army! Look for us the first Saturday in December 2024!

Kiwanis members rang bells from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Cal, Jackie & Darrel

In Front of Fred Meyers on December 2, 2023
Janet & Sue

Ringing Bells for the Salvation Army
Susan, Maddy & Amy

Bike Helmets

Since 2001 our club has provided free helmets and fitting to over 2,000 toddlers and children, given away 400 gently used bikes and instructed over 1,500 children in basic bike safety.  We partner in this effort with South Kitsap Fire District #7 and other community agencies.  In 2022, our club gve away 155 bike helts at the Port Orchard Farmer’s Market.

Third Grade Library Reading Project

Our club has provided over $3,000 donation to the Port Orchard Library’s 3rd Grade Reading Project. This project seeks to encourage a reading habit in young children. Participants learn how to use their library and leave the program with a library card!

Emmon Rodgers from the Kitsap Regional Library spoke at our meeting about the Third Grade Library Reading Project. Pictured here with Kiwanis of Port Orchard President, Carroll Olson. (12/20/23)

Little Free Library – Sharon Vetter, Chair

A Little Free Library is a free book exchange where anyone may take books or leave books. Our first Little Library was built and donated to the Madrona Heights Elementary School, in the South Kitsap School District, in November 2022. 

Project Pajamas – Janet Cesar, Chair

Partnering with Community & Family Services Foundation in Nov/Dec 2023, 243 foster kids/teens will have new PJs to sleep in this winter! A special shout-out to Brick Ally (802 Bay Street) who collected over 80 pairs of pajamas! Let’s do it again next year!! Thank you everyone! 

Partnering with Community & Family Services Foundation, 243 foster kids/teens will have new PJs to sleep in this winter! A special shout-out to Brick Ally (802 Bay Street) who collected over 80 pairs of pajamas! (Nov 2023)

Service-at-your-Seat – Janet Cesar, Chair

Beginning in 2014, our club began Service-at-your-Seat projects. 
Fleece blankets created were donated to the South Kitsap Helpline. 
• Activity packets the group assembled helped children at Marybridge Hospital. 
Bright soft-fabric cubes hand-stuffed by members were delivered to Eastside Baby Center-West Sound.  New stuffed animals were gathered to give warmth to patients at Harrison Hospital 
Rice heat packets were given to Kitsap Humane Society and West Sound Wildlife Shelter to help with
animals in distress.
The world-recognized Kiwanis dolls were sent to Seattle Children’s Hospital 
In 2023, boxes were decorated for Project Pajamas where we partnered with Community & Family
Services and collected 243 pairs of pajamas for foster kids & teens!
All of these projects have hands-on participation by our members!

